Friday, May 17, 2013

Ashamed of my own hypocrisy

The previous post suggested my disdain over those that show-off how they "Rx" it all the time. Oddly enough, I am a victim of my own despising. Within that same day –– on Wednesday –– I proudly said aloud my score that proceeded with an Rx at the end. I get it. I realize there's a thrill of pride after going through 18 minutes of an AMRAP WOD which tested your strength, agility and coordination.

The WOD was:
9 - 95lb. deadlift
12 - push-up (big girl - on your toes version)
15 - box jumps (18")

It didn't seem like a lot considering it was a light deadlift and the jumps are lower than my usual 24 inches. But by the time three minutes had passed, I already felt gassed out in mid push-up. These dreaded push-ups. It took me so long to perfect the full movement on my knees this past year, now I've graduated to my toes!

Regardless, when that timer hit zero and my pace was at max speed, I wanted to talk to anyone and everyone, though I'm sure they could have been a little less indifferent about it since they did just endure the same "torture" ... Man, so I was that guy.

But the fact that I am now aware and have accomplished such a feat. I know one thing that worked well during my trials and tribulations of my Rx WOD .... which is to endlessly sing this song until they call time's up.


  1. test comment from jenn

  2. So it looks like you can comment from your google plus profile, but if you're just a regular no profile, it will show up as anonymous!

    Thanks for checking it anyway :)
