Wednesday, May 22, 2013

When it rains ...

It's been raining everyday in South Florida since Monday that even Seattle gets jealous. And since our gym's interior is still incomplete, our WOD gets modified to the state of the weather. This doesn't bother me at all. Regardless of how modified the workout gets or how the equipments are tucked inside the container, all in all I'm still going to get a good workout (or at least I thought). 

This was supposed to be the workout on Monday:
 5 Sets x 5 Reps: Back Squat *Work up to a heavy set of 5

Rounds or 15 Minutes of:
-50 Bent Rows (95/55 pounds)
-50 Weighted Ring Dips (45/25 pounds) 
-50 Kettle Bell Snatches (53/35 pounds) 

This is what we did instead:
4 Rounds of 1-minute each station (no rest)
Lunges (R/L = 1)

I was a little disappointed that  we didn't get to work on the back squat technique, but that all faded away when I realized I had the best score in the class :)

Tuesday's workout was a bit better. It started as a technique on handstand push ups ... and ...well ... I am deathly afraid of being upside down. I can do the wall walks, locking out my arms is no problem for me, but to be upside down scares me more than death itself. Danny helped me out though and held my legs as I was upside down but I downplayed my accomplishment only because I still am unable to hold myself up. To some people, this movement comes easy and natural, but you're reading about someone that has never done, let a lone tried, a cartwheel before in her life! 

Perhaps I've just allowed the weather to bring me the blues because today --  I did something I haven't done since the first few weeks I've frequented HEW ... feeding in my thoughts of giving up. 

I'm so ashamed and embarrassed. 

To my defense, we did plenty of pistol squats on Tuesday which caused my knee to swell up before today's WOD (as is always the case the day after a pistol squat WODs). I tried to ignore it, but there was no way I was going to row for the next three months like what happened last year! 

Anyway, when it rain, it pours. My diet has been cheated almost every day and my energy levels are off the map! It goes to show that when I don't follow my routine religiously, my hunger strikes and spikes more often, I get tired easily during the workouts, and well I don't look forward to working out ... 

I'm hoping tomorrow looks a little better. We haven't had a benchmark this week, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will carry my momentum higher than this black hole I've bene in. 

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