Tuesday, July 16, 2013

If I had wings I would fly ... let me contemplate

Foto credit: Hard Exercise Works Boynton Beach
Right now when I walk into the gym, the ropes greet me with mockery. And I retreat to my shell and ask, why can't I just get up that rope? I've done it once before, why is a second time filled with doubt and frustration? This rope that simply makes my knees shake and my palms tremble. The rope that looks fun until you look down. I am not (rather trying not) to embellish on my fear, because that's what they all are, no matter how much I justify it with a scientific reason of a fear of heights; at the end of the day they are simply excuses. But I'm only human. And these excuses are what hinders me. I realize this nor am I going to add it to my fitness goals on how to work towards it ... because hell, I've been afraid of heights since I can remember.  

The rope thing is different than my double unders (still practicing this) or my pull ups (simply have to build on my kip more) or even handstands (note to self: practice more). The rope thing is not in my vernacular, it's not written for my future yet because right now, I simply am afraid for my life. 

I can push myself to get up that rope, try to get the trainers' assistance by assuring me that I can overcome fear ... but I need to shop where I can get a harness. Or at least angel wings. But again, I'm making excuses. I know this, my trainers know this and now you know this. So far now, I have been and will be doing up:downs ... lots and lots and lots of them, probably until gravity decides to fail us one day.

Another insult to injury, or ahem, probably excuse number 32,302; during a mile run today, my bum knee gave out and shot piercing pain all the way down my shins. This of course, compensated my run and as I made a leap at the end of the curb, I came tumbling down --- along with my pride and motivation. I hobbled back to the gym, however, and tried to finish the workout as best as I could. Right now, all I want to do is scream and cut off my leg and spring for a prosthetic, but that's just being too dramatic. Luckily, I didn't sprain my ankle or have any other future injury, but I was told to continue wearing my knee brace for most of the runs from now on. And ice, oh how I've missed thee.

On a better and less pessimistic post, this past weekend, Danny's best man/childhood friend visited us for the weekend. He was excited about doing all things active so he actually joined us for two WODs over the weekend. Saturday was an Obstacle Day, which I am proud to say that I finally jumped over a hurdle ... albeit I almost wiped out, but I freakin' did it, once at least. During the workout, I wanted to move fast, so I reverted back to wrapping my body around the hurdle instead of hopping. One day, I will gain flight, one day ... ya know, when all of that gravity fails again.
I should be a contestant on Wipe Out


  1. I didn't know you fell on the mile :( I can tell you've been in pain...hoping for a speedy recovery so you can get up that rope!

  2. Thanks :) and ... haha, I just noticed you're in both of these photos.

  3. I agree with you on the heights - it's all so mental. Heights are definitely a fear of mine. I know you will get back to yourself very soon!
