Monday, July 22, 2013

Seattle trip: Day 1

I love this city. Every time I get here, all I think about is moving to this liberal, art-centered mecca! It's a touchy hush-hush subject since I had planned on doing this after college, but because of fear and being apart from my parents, I just didn't.

Right where we left off from February, me and my cousin discussing life, boys art, decisions, Bermuda grass, and everything in between.

Then we headed to the EMP museum that had a Nirvana exhibit. I officially felt old! The Fastbacks is one of my favorite bands, and to find them part of an exhibit, discussing the roots of punk and music I gravitated towards to is just .... Surreal. A little oxymoronic but, validated nonetheless.

Below we ventured towarss Capitol Hill where my cousin lives.

This is the view from my cousin's apartment at Capitol Hill. Instantaneous jealousy swept through my soul!

We ended the day on a very peaceful note. My cousin and brother took us to St. Mark's Cathedral for a Sunday service of by far the most beautiful chant I have had to witness. It calmed the day's tensions and I felt whole. 

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